Friday, February 26, 2016

Guilty Pleasure...kind of

So when my husband and I were just dating and then eventually engaged, we were both RAs in Helaman Halls....And if you are at all familiar with Helaman Halls, you know that there are very strict visiting hours and basically all you can do if you're there with someone of the opposite sex on a day that is not visiting hour day is to hang out in the main lobby. So, needless to say, we spent quite a lot of time in there on those very uncomfortable couches with their oh so lovely chastity bars for those 3 semesters we were RAs together.

So, as an RA, I felt more of a need than the freshman to follow all the rules not watching movies in the lobby (or basically on BYU campus) because it's against the rules and a liability to the university. Plus, I would have felt like a hypocrite doing it when I was required to ask residents to not do it. So, to the point, my husband and I often got very bored sitting in that lobby for months. Of course sometimes we would do things like homework or talk to play card games or scroll through our Facebook feeds several times....but those things get boring after a while too. One of our solution to the bored times was to watch YouTube videos....which brings me to the whole point of this post: one of my guilty pleasures (not sure if it's actually a pleasure though....).

Matt Stonie YouTube videos.

My husband used to watch these videos of this competitive eater (Matt Stonie) doing crazy personal challenges at home. So he started to watch them with me. Let me just say that at first I was not very interested and only acted semiinterested because he liked these videos and I liked him. But they grew on me. It's just so crazy to watch this guy eat a pile of food sooooooo fast....more food than I eat in several days! It's a crazy talent....but you work with what you've been blessed with, right?

Anyways, it has just become such a fascinating thing for me to watch occasionally. Not as often as we used to...but we still watch him occasionally. It just seems so unreal that he can eat sooo much soooo fast....but he can. And I think that's the addicting part: it's real, but it seems so fake, which is just so contradictory in my mind but makes me more interested.

So, if you are ever interested in watching a super skinny guy ingest more than you probably feed a standard family for dinner....than give his videos a try.


That's it for now, folks!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Oh the Fickleness of Media

So for the past few weeks I have been having some computer struggles due to a lack of space on my lovely laptop. You'd think it would be easy to fix that....but I just had sooooo much on there that I didn't even know what to delete. Plus, a huge chunk of the memory was taken up by my photos...and I didn't want to delete those permanently. I was still able to use my computer until a week and a half ago where I began to literally not have enough room to save my notes with deleting 10 files from my computer. And then last week it didn't let me do anything. Luckily for me I have an awesome husband that came up with a external hard drive (Why didn't I think of that??). And, luckily for me again, he knew how to get it to work when it initially did not. So, I now have a functioning computer again...and it is such a wonderful feeling.

I was amazed by how restricted I felt without a laptop. Taking notes on paper or (Heaven forbid) our iPad was so tedious and not being able to do homework at my convenience was even more annoying. But, even more amazing than how restricted I felt was how worried I was. It's a piece of metal, for goodness sake. But, this particular piece of metal has a lot of emotional attachment for me  and I was stressed when I thought about it never working again.... but, in reality I would be fine. My husband has a computer I could use, and caps is full of computers I could use. Plus, I wrote my notes for 13 years and going back to that wouldn't have killed me. I guess my point is that I have become extremely spoiled by the convenience of a personal computer. And I am soooo happy to have it working again!!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Taking A Break

I have a peculiar way of dealing with "not liking" the way shows or books or movies are going. When I say "not liking" I don't mean the content is bad or foul. Rather, I mean that I am frustrated with the storyline or just the certain point of the story and what it entails. There are just some times when I don't want to keep reading or watching so I stop. For the most part I do go back and finish watching or reading, but it usually takes me a while to feel ready about it. Kind of a hard thing to explain in words.

Anyways, the point of this post is that I have recently encountered this phenomenon in my life again. When NCIS was finally on Netflix, I was absolutely thrilled. I love that show. And I have really enjoyed watching the series straight through in order. However, I have reached a point where I know a character is about to leave for good. And I don't want this character to leave the show. And I also don't like the way it is happening. So I have taken a break, in the middle of an episode, from watching NCIS. Instead, I have decided to rewatch an old favorite of mine... "Life." So, here I am, a week later, still cruising through "Life" (get it?) and avoiding NCIS. It'll take me a while, but I know I will return to NCIS soon enough. It's too good of a show to stay away from for long.

I find it funny, or at least interesting, how media can produce such strong emotional reactions from us. It is just so easy to relate to, become attached to, and become emotionally invested in all types of media...especially stories. And for me, it results in this phenomenon of mine. But, I think that is the true magic and charm of media--and that is one of the reasons I love it so much.

That's it for now, folks.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Elite YoYo

First of all, my little brother is the coolest little dude out there! He's only 11, but he has mastered so many more skills than I have at 21. Two of his skills? Origami and yo-yoing. And when I say he's good, I mean he is really really good!

But, how did he learn these skills? Well, that's probably what I admire most about this little dude, he decided he wanted to learn, so he went all out and read books, did research, and watched videos. Youtube videos, specifically. Lots of them. Which brings me to the point of this whole post, my little brother made a Youtube account and posted his first video. "What is it of?" you may ask. Well, it is how to do some yoyo trick!

It's really cute to watch, probably mostly because he is my brother. But, how do I feel about him posting a video of himself on the web? Well, he is only I feel a little like he is too young to start exposing himself to the big ol' world (but that's probably because he is my brother). However, I do know that he has big ambitions and wants to share his skills and teach others just like he was taught from Youtube. He also wants to start making money from that (Not sure how successful he will be in that avenue, but kudos to him for trying!). The kid has got ambitions, I'll tell you that. And I admire him for pursuing them.

So, in the end, I am proud of my little brother for taking advantage of the media like this. I guess he is the new rising generation that has always used media anyways! In fact, I'll even share his little video with you in case you want to learn how to do a horizontal finger grind!

Good job, little dude!

That's it for now, folks!