Sunday, April 3, 2016


General Conference was amazing. And I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to watch it live in the conference center and from my apartment. What an amazing world we live in where people around the world can hear the words of the Prophet and apostles all on the day they are given. It truly astounds me. We (in the States) have gone from having to gather in chapels for conference to being able to watch it on your computers, listen to it on our phones, put it on the radio, or watch it on tv. Such accessibility it wonderful...and I am just truly grateful to know that wherever I live, I will always be able to find a way to listen to or read the words of our church leaders because of the handy-dandy media.

I hope you had the opportunity to watch the LDS conference this weekend! If not, I'd like to invite you to visit and to read or watch some of the amazing talks given--they were truly inspiring.

That's it for now, folks.

#ShareGoodness #LDSGenConf