Sunday, April 3, 2016


General Conference was amazing. And I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to watch it live in the conference center and from my apartment. What an amazing world we live in where people around the world can hear the words of the Prophet and apostles all on the day they are given. It truly astounds me. We (in the States) have gone from having to gather in chapels for conference to being able to watch it on your computers, listen to it on our phones, put it on the radio, or watch it on tv. Such accessibility it wonderful...and I am just truly grateful to know that wherever I live, I will always be able to find a way to listen to or read the words of our church leaders because of the handy-dandy media.

I hope you had the opportunity to watch the LDS conference this weekend! If not, I'd like to invite you to visit and to read or watch some of the amazing talks given--they were truly inspiring.

That's it for now, folks.

#ShareGoodness #LDSGenConf

Monday, March 28, 2016


I love media. Especially on weekend like this past one and the upcoming one. Why? Because of General Conference. What an amazing blessing it is that conference can be live broadcasted around the world! I remember as a kid often just listening to the audio...but you just have so much more of an experience when you can actually see them too!

And, it is so great that the messages of conference are not only so accessible because they are online, but are shared more often because of social media. The hashtags are awesome too. I love seeing all the people sharing what they learned from conference that weekend. Social media just seems to be flooded with the spirit. And it's beautiful.

Conference is such a special time to me because it is an opportunity to feel the power, strength, and love of the Lord. I love hearing from the church leaders and I am always able to feel spiritually uplifted when I listen to conference!

I also love it because of the memories surrounding conference. Growing up, it was always a family-centered weekend. We would set aside our normal busy weekend activities and instead we would sit together and listen to the messages being shared. We would always have the same snacks and conference -related coloring pages. Those awesome family traditions surrounding conference enforced it with even more positive emotions in my mind. Anyways, if you can't tell, I am just super excited for conference!

Plus, my brother and his girlfriend are coming from Idaho for the weekend because we actually have tickets for the conference center! It will be his first time actually attending conference...and I am so excited to share that with him.

I hope you will take the opportunity to attend some of the conference sessions this weekend!

That's it for now, folks.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Empowering Media

In our media class this week we watched a commercial promoting engineering toys for girls. And it was fantastic. Not only did the song remind me of a song from Annie because of its catchy tune, but it also had such a great message. To be honest, I felt empowered just from watching it. And I appreciate media that does that for me and for kids in positive ways. And I think the media needs more empowering messages out there for boy and girls. Because those empowering messages really are powerful... and they really do have the power to change the world!

So, without further ado, the amazing commercial:

That's it for now, folks!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Fuller House

So I watched some "Fuller House" this week. And I have mixed feelings.

As a kid, one of my favorites shows  to watch was "Full House." So, it can only be expected that I have a lot of fondness for the show. When I heard that Netflix was releasing "Fuller House," I was surprised and I didn't think that it would be any good. How could it be? What would the story even be about with them all so OLD?!?! However, I was pleasantly surprised when I watched the first episode. I was filled with nostalgia while watching it...and I absolutely loved all the parallels to the first episode of Full House. To me, the first episode set the bar high for the rest of the episodes. But, with such a high, it was almost inevitable that the rest would not quite be as good.

In my opinion, the show is decent, overall. But, I just haven't developed the same amount of love for all of the new characters and for how some of the old characters grew up. I love it when the old cast makes guest appearances....and I do enjoy the show generally. But it just isn't Full House.

So, acknowledging that weakness, I do enjoy the show as a fun, short time filler every once and a while. I don't think I'll binge watch it or anything though.

Really though, I do like how so many things have come out recently with characters from shows or movies grown's a cool feeling to see your childhood grown up and living in a similar world to you. It's just fascinating that this has become one of the new ideas for have the old classics grow up along with their generation! Sometimes they butcher it when they try, but I think they've done a good job with Fuller House.

That's it for now, folks.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Media to the Rescue

This week I want to mention how grateful I am for the relaxing effects media has had on my life....especially this past week. This past week was rough for me for a lot of different reasons that just kept piling on top of each other. But, because of the marvel called media I was able to finish so many of my tasks in a very productive and effective way. Thank goodness for that, because otherwise I may have died from an overload of things to do this week. Google docs? Life savers. I can cintribute with what I know and then I can also benefit from the smartness of my classmates and we all learn more and study better and do well on our tests. So I'm grateful for media because of that.

But, this week I am also so grateful for the relaxing (or maybe just distracting) nature of music and shows. So many nights this week I just felt super overwhelmed, but sitting down to watch an episode of of Fuller House of Pawn Stars with my husband allowed me to just forget about what I went through and what tomorrow held. Or, when I just blasted music as I did the dishes in order to just focus on the emotions conveyed from the song. Those moments were short respites from a terrible week. And I appreciated them sooooo much. Plus, my husband. And, with the aid of media and my husband, I was able to survive this intense week.

And now, tonight, my husband and I are going to watch an episode of Star Wars and relax because this week is OVER.

Thank goodness for that!

I hope you enjoy your weekend!

That's it for now, folks.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Guilty Pleasure...kind of

So when my husband and I were just dating and then eventually engaged, we were both RAs in Helaman Halls....And if you are at all familiar with Helaman Halls, you know that there are very strict visiting hours and basically all you can do if you're there with someone of the opposite sex on a day that is not visiting hour day is to hang out in the main lobby. So, needless to say, we spent quite a lot of time in there on those very uncomfortable couches with their oh so lovely chastity bars for those 3 semesters we were RAs together.

So, as an RA, I felt more of a need than the freshman to follow all the rules not watching movies in the lobby (or basically on BYU campus) because it's against the rules and a liability to the university. Plus, I would have felt like a hypocrite doing it when I was required to ask residents to not do it. So, to the point, my husband and I often got very bored sitting in that lobby for months. Of course sometimes we would do things like homework or talk to play card games or scroll through our Facebook feeds several times....but those things get boring after a while too. One of our solution to the bored times was to watch YouTube videos....which brings me to the whole point of this post: one of my guilty pleasures (not sure if it's actually a pleasure though....).

Matt Stonie YouTube videos.

My husband used to watch these videos of this competitive eater (Matt Stonie) doing crazy personal challenges at home. So he started to watch them with me. Let me just say that at first I was not very interested and only acted semiinterested because he liked these videos and I liked him. But they grew on me. It's just so crazy to watch this guy eat a pile of food sooooooo fast....more food than I eat in several days! It's a crazy talent....but you work with what you've been blessed with, right?

Anyways, it has just become such a fascinating thing for me to watch occasionally. Not as often as we used to...but we still watch him occasionally. It just seems so unreal that he can eat sooo much soooo fast....but he can. And I think that's the addicting part: it's real, but it seems so fake, which is just so contradictory in my mind but makes me more interested.

So, if you are ever interested in watching a super skinny guy ingest more than you probably feed a standard family for dinner....than give his videos a try.


That's it for now, folks!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Oh the Fickleness of Media

So for the past few weeks I have been having some computer struggles due to a lack of space on my lovely laptop. You'd think it would be easy to fix that....but I just had sooooo much on there that I didn't even know what to delete. Plus, a huge chunk of the memory was taken up by my photos...and I didn't want to delete those permanently. I was still able to use my computer until a week and a half ago where I began to literally not have enough room to save my notes with deleting 10 files from my computer. And then last week it didn't let me do anything. Luckily for me I have an awesome husband that came up with a external hard drive (Why didn't I think of that??). And, luckily for me again, he knew how to get it to work when it initially did not. So, I now have a functioning computer again...and it is such a wonderful feeling.

I was amazed by how restricted I felt without a laptop. Taking notes on paper or (Heaven forbid) our iPad was so tedious and not being able to do homework at my convenience was even more annoying. But, even more amazing than how restricted I felt was how worried I was. It's a piece of metal, for goodness sake. But, this particular piece of metal has a lot of emotional attachment for me  and I was stressed when I thought about it never working again.... but, in reality I would be fine. My husband has a computer I could use, and caps is full of computers I could use. Plus, I wrote my notes for 13 years and going back to that wouldn't have killed me. I guess my point is that I have become extremely spoiled by the convenience of a personal computer. And I am soooo happy to have it working again!!