Monday, March 28, 2016


I love media. Especially on weekend like this past one and the upcoming one. Why? Because of General Conference. What an amazing blessing it is that conference can be live broadcasted around the world! I remember as a kid often just listening to the audio...but you just have so much more of an experience when you can actually see them too!

And, it is so great that the messages of conference are not only so accessible because they are online, but are shared more often because of social media. The hashtags are awesome too. I love seeing all the people sharing what they learned from conference that weekend. Social media just seems to be flooded with the spirit. And it's beautiful.

Conference is such a special time to me because it is an opportunity to feel the power, strength, and love of the Lord. I love hearing from the church leaders and I am always able to feel spiritually uplifted when I listen to conference!

I also love it because of the memories surrounding conference. Growing up, it was always a family-centered weekend. We would set aside our normal busy weekend activities and instead we would sit together and listen to the messages being shared. We would always have the same snacks and conference -related coloring pages. Those awesome family traditions surrounding conference enforced it with even more positive emotions in my mind. Anyways, if you can't tell, I am just super excited for conference!

Plus, my brother and his girlfriend are coming from Idaho for the weekend because we actually have tickets for the conference center! It will be his first time actually attending conference...and I am so excited to share that with him.

I hope you will take the opportunity to attend some of the conference sessions this weekend!

That's it for now, folks.


  1. It is amazing that literally no matter where you go, you are always able to listen to conference, radios and satellites make it nearly impossible to not be within listening distance of the prophet himself. God wants his children to hear his prophet, so he has provided the means for us to do so. :) I love it!

  2. Thanks Hazel, this is good reminder for everyone to prepare for conference, especially with how easy access it is.
